Project Description

Organizing the territory has always been a main subject in any society. Since remote times populations used to separate areas for hunting, planting, fun and housing. The Macrozoning is the instrument that will allow us to settle the areas of interest in the metropolitan territory. It shall establish the main directives
for land use and occupation through parameters that can be put into laws, guaranteeing a democratic access to the Metropolitan Region of BH.


Urban Planning

The territorial zoning is an urban planning tool, which divides the territory into specific land use and occupation areas. These rules set how much and how can someone build in each one of these areas, and what activities are allowed or forbidden in that place. The zoning therefore sets the boundaries to the individual interests, aiming the collective welfare, and the core objectives such as to control the urban growth and densification, to protect areas of cultural and environmental interest that are either fragile or inadequate to occupation, to stimulate collective and economic inclusive activities for the population and to reduce conflicts between uses and activities.

Macrozoning in Details

The formulation of the Macrozoning will take into consideration some directives within the Metropolitan Plan (PDDI/2011) such as:

  • To establish a web of centralities;
  • To lead the occupation of the urban expansion;
  • To intensify the use of urbanized and idle areas;
  • To enhance the distribution of activities within the territory, reducing unnecessary displacement;
  • To assure the water supply in RMBH as a whole to future generations;
  • To promote ecological corridors, to keep biodiversity and to preserve water springs;
  • To ensure a collective built legal framework.


One of the Macrozoning objectives is the definition of the Zones of Metropolitan Interest – ZIMs, in other words, bounded territories in which the metropolitan interest prevails over the local. The ZIMs can be different among themselves, to incorporate distinguished urban parameters according to each metropolitan interest.


The Macrozoning shall also points out the Areas of Metropolitan Interest – AIMs, understood as portions of the territory focused on the fulfillment of metropolitan politics agreed during the construction of the Macrozoning.

Project Type
